April 14-16, 2016 Chicago, IL
Engaging Sacred Texts for Teaching Religious Leadership
The ARL’s spring 2016 annual theme was Engaging Sacred Texts for Teaching Religious Leadership
It focused on the following questions:
- How do we, as teachers and leaders, engage sacred texts in the teaching and practice of leading?
- How do theological perspectives dictate the ways in which we approach text in the teaching of religious leadership?
- What are the methodological assumptions that we employ in our engagement with sacred texts for leadership formation?
- What are the pedagogical practices or implications for engaging sacred texts for leadership formation?

Presenters included:
David Forney (Charlottesville, VA), Erica Martin (Seattle, WA), Mark Lau Branson (Pasadena, CA), Scott Hagley (Pittsburgh, PA)
Here are notes from the presentations as interpreted by Steve Thomason.

Presidential Address by Kyle Small

Matthew and Learning Communities by Mark Lau Branson

Holy Dissent: Teaching Religious Leaders to Preach AGAINST the Text by Erica Martin

Response by Steve Sprinkle

What’s the Source: Biblical Authority, Social Sciences, and Leadership Studies in Theological Education by David Forney

Response by Carson Reed

Rob Muthiah leading our pedagogy session

Words that Disclose World: Ricoeur’s Phenomenology of the Text, Situated Learning, and Leadership Formation by Scott Hagley

Response by Steve Sprinkle

Shelly Trebesch responds to Scott Hagley