Digital Journals

JRL Spring 2022, Vol. 21, No. 1

As is customary, the Spring issue is non-thematic. I enjoy the way articles find their way to the JRL and serendipitously ‘come together’ to form a unique, multifaceted conversation. This issue is particularly compelling not only because of the range of subjects it covers, but also because it has generated a lively conversation within the JRL board itself. In fact, as a result of one article in particular by Jason Miller and Dale Lemke, the JRL is convening a panel discussion at the 2022 ARL conference on the nature and practice of ethical research. It is one example of . . .

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JRL Spring 2022, Vol. 21, No. 12022-04-21T17:47:32-05:00

JRL Spring 2020 Issue

JRL   Volume 19   No. 1   Spring 2020

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