The Academy of
Religious Leadership

Deepen | Develop | Disseminate

The Academy

The Academy of Religious Leadership (ARL) exists to enhance religious leadership education; convene a scholarly roundtable of leadership educators and professional practitioners for the purpose of faculty development and community; and foster and disseminate leadership education and research.

The Meeting

The ARL Annual Meeting invites scholars and practitioners into thoughtful conversation about the (r)evolutionary vocation of leadership. Our methods: discussing provocative, original papers/presentations, networking, and imagining an emerging future in the theological education, formation, and ongoing development of religious leaders in a fast-paced, challenging world.

The theme of our 2024 annual meeting was “Exploring Different Religious Leadership Models“. It was held in St. Paul, MN USA, and Online April 25-27, 2024.

The theme of our 2025 annual meeting will be “Leadership as Justice”. It will be held in Denver, CO, April 24-26, 2025.

The Journal

The Journal of Religious Leadership is published semi-annually by the Academy of Religious Leadership (ARL). As a peer-reviewed journal, the editorial team assesses articles by four criteria: scholarship (in an effort to promote faithful critical thinking about religious leadership), theological (as ARL is focused on religious leadership, matters of faith and practice are instrumental), expansive (the work of ARL seeks to extend and deepen both religion and leadership), and suggestive (work suggests outcomes, practices, behaviors, implications, etc. for readers to incorporate in their contexts).

Featured in the latest issue of the Journal for Religious Leadership


The Spring 2023 JRL contains four intriguing and helpful. The first article by Neil Dougall lays out a broad understanding of leadership that he hopes will encourage more Christians to see themselves as leaders.

Our second article is offered by Chloe Lynch explores the complicated and ambiguous reality of “Vulnerability in Leadership.”

The third article, “Embodied Influence” by Maros and Dixon, offers a powerful tool by which people can reflect on the distribution and enactment of social power in their groups.

Fourth is an article by John Senior, a white male theologian, examines the structural character of white supremacy and ways that white communities can actively subvert its influence.

Book Reviews

Emotional Intelligence By: Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves, Reviewed by Jeff Clawson

Circles In The Stream: Index, Identification & Intertext – Reading And Preaching The Story Of Judah In Genesis By: Paul E. Koptak, Reviewed by Neil Dougall

Loss & Discovery: What The Torah Can Teach Us About Leading Change By: Russell M. Linden, Reviewed by Neil Dougall

Navigating The Future: Traditioned Innovation For Wilder Seas By: Ian Parkinson, Reviewed by L. Roger Owens

Normalizing Next: A Post-Covid-19 Resource For Church Leaders By: Olu Brown, Reviewed by Andrew Rutledge

The Church After Innovation: Questioning Our Obsession With Work, Creativity, And Entrepreneurship By: Andrew Root, Reviewed by Thomas F. Tumblin

A Postcolonial Leadership: Asian Immigrant Christian Leadership And Its Challenges By: Choi Hee An, Reviewed by Michael Young